Design Packages

You have made the decision to downsize. A new home reflects the inner most core of your being now. Your belongings are edited to fit, distilled to the essence. With you, I create a beautiful, practical, personal space, honouring memories while looking to the future. Floorplans of furniture layout, art and collections displayed, lighting and storage are some of the elements I help you consider in rightsizing your new home.

A catch-all. You would like a little hand-holding while in the depths of change. This is where I come in. Tell me where you are at, what’s not working, where you’d like to be. I listen, recommend solutions and develop a practical path for you to follow. You create the space you want.

Your address is changing. Could be more space, could be less. So many decisions to make. I meet you in either the former or the latter or both. We review the elements: furniture, window treatments, colour, layout, accessorizing, storage. We plan the route.

You are staying where you are. Its been awhile and your home needs a little TLC. Editing and renewing, is all you need. With my keen eye and your readiness, we arrange what is there, adding colour, light and texture to pull together a new whole.

Colour changes mood, highlights, emboldens and inspires. Your space, your belongings, you, need the right palette. I coax, cajole and combine to infuse your home with the perfect walls. The colours may be noticed, maybe not, the point is they are meant to be.

Your personal space reflects you. Your desires, your challenges, your loves. I will come to you. I support you in creating a genuine space, harmonious with your true self. We begin the vision, we move to a plan.

Got a shed, garage, barn, bunkie? Hmmm, what to do, art studio, overnight guests, escape room? The imagination has no limits. Your wildest dreams here please. As a multi-faceted creative person, I will allow you to unleash your creative person. You won’t want to leave this space when its finished.